Saturday, August 30, 2014

Eichler Homes in New York State?

Yes. There are four of them. This was not one of my grandfather's better ideas, especially since he didn't have the designs altered to suit the very different climate. Also, although the article doesn't mention in, the process of getting homes approved and built was (and probably still is) quite a bit different in NY State, compared with California. In addition, my grandfather had built up a very efficient operation in the Bay Area, which was not available to him on the other side of the country. In addition, building only a very small number of homes did not offer the kind of economy of scale that he had in the Bay Area. Thus, the homes in New York State were not as profitable and possibly did not really make any economic sense at all. 

This article tells part of the story: Modern Spotting: The Lost Eichlers of Rockland County, NY

Monday, August 25, 2014

Recent Interior Photography

Do you think the lighting here looks natural? I hope so, since that was the goal. However, the ambient lighting in this scene was not ideal and needed some significant help. So, I used three or four lights for this photo, both to even out the lighting and to add some life to areas that looked a bit dull.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Recent Lifestyle Photography

I recently did a lifestyle portrait for Alex Wang, a real estate agent with Sereno Group in Silicon Valley. The photo was used in a full page ad in the August 2014 edition of Gentry Magazine.

Gentry Ad