I was just listening to an interview with Charlie Rose and Walter Isaacson, the author of the recently released biography of Steve Jobs, in which Isaacson mentions that Jobs lived in an Eichler home in Silicon Valley when he was young and was strongly influenced by the experience. In fact, Jobs reportedly cited Eichler Homes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Eichler) as a direct inspiration and described their design as a "first vision for Apple." Furthermore, Apple's co-founder, Steve Wozniak, also lived in an Eichler Home when he was young. What a connection: Eichler Homes as an inspiration for one of the most important companies of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
For anyone who is not familiar with Eichler Homes, here are some books about the company and the homes: http://www.amazon.com/Eichler-Homes-Design-Jerry-Ditto/dp/0811808467 and http://www.amazon.com/Eichler-Homes-Design-Jerry-Ditto/dp/0811808467. Also, this may be of interest: http://www.amazon.com/Quincy-Jones-Cory-Buckner/dp/0714848433/ref=pd_sim_b_8. Quincy Jones was one of the architects who did designs for Eichler Homes.
For anyone who is not familiar with Eichler Homes, here are some books about the company and the homes: http://www.amazon.com/Eichler-Homes-Design-Jerry-Ditto/dp/0811808467 and http://www.amazon.com/Eichler-Homes-Design-Jerry-Ditto/dp/0811808467. Also, this may be of interest: http://www.amazon.com/Quincy-Jones-Cory-Buckner/dp/0714848433/ref=pd_sim_b_8. Quincy Jones was one of the architects who did designs for Eichler Homes.